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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  June 10, 2010 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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>> jay: have a seat, my friend. >> thank you. that was nice. that was nice of you to put that together. [ cheers and applause ] right on. thank you. >> jay: welcome. welcome back to the mainland. you've been in hawaii for what, two months or something? >> two months, everybody. very nice. >> jay: did you go outside? [ laughter ] >> no, i got no tan. i got nothing. >> jay: is this the jewish tan? [ laughter ] >> it's a desert tan. >> jay: you got a little tan. you got a little. tell me about hawaii. two months. >> two months, you get excited. you hear you're shooting a a movie, you're going away for two months to hawaii. and you start going, "this is going to be the best time of my life." so i go there, and then i realize i work about 17 hours a a day. >> jay: right. >> so i'm sitting there working 17 hours a day. i'm watching everybody else have a great time. this is hawaii, this is great. i'm like, "yeah, yeah, right,
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good." and i keep working and working. i'm tired and i'm angry. and i see the next day comes, 17 hour day again. i see everyone else laughing, having a good time. i'm getting more and more upset. and i'm driving home at night, i'm just kind of depressed. one of these teamster guys is driving me home. i'm staring out the window going, "wow, this is ridiculous. i'm so depressed right now." and then i thought of my dad and the words of wisdom he would say to me. "oh, boo-hoo!" [ laughter ] >> jay: exactly, exactly. [ applause ] >> yeah. "i never left brooklyn till i was 45 and that's because i made a wrong turn." [ laughter ] >> jay: wow. wow. did your mom come visit in hawaii? >> yeah, yeah. >> jay: that must have been pleasant having mom there? >> of course my mother showed up. "where?" yeah. she's -- my mother is the same mother she's always been. when i was growing up, she would call bruce springsteen rick springfield. [ laughter ] >> jay: yeah, my dad would go, "that group, the rolling beatles, they're the big thing now." [ laughter ] >> really? >> jay: i'd go, "no, there's two, dad.
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the rolling stones and --" "no, no, it's the rolling beatles." and he would insist. i said, "dad, there's no rolling beatles. it's the rolling stones or the beatles." "no, no, it's the rolling beatles. i just saw it in 'time.'" and then he'd lie. "i just saw it in 'time' magazine." no, you didn't. anything to keep it going. >> my mother updated -- lady gaga is now mrs. goo goo. [ laughter ] "mrs. goo goo! very talented." >> jay: now, your daughter sadie, she just had a birthday. what is she, 4 now? >> my sadie is 4 now. i remember when she was first born, i'd come on here and i was baffled about it. now she's getting old. >> jay: she got her own place i imagine, right? >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jay: got a guy, living with a guy, right? >> yeah, my kid had a 4th birthday, had a nice -- and it was while we were making a movie. i was with jennifer aniston making a movie. and then the boys from "grown ups" came in for the birthday party and gave her some nice gifts. anniston got her a great gift, and kevin james and chris rock and schneider bought sadie a a great gift.
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david spade, his gift was to take her out on a date. >> jay: wow. [ laughter ] was that tough for david? i mean, the kid being taller and all? [ laughter ] you know. a lot of guys -- [ applause ] you get that height thing going, a lot of guys get insecure when the woman is taller. >> he kept going, "lose the heels." [ light laughter ] >> jay: now, let me ask you, does sadie have like -- well, that sounds like a hollywood birthday party. did you have big -- was that a a big deal? >> when i was -- well, yeah. my parents always gave me nice birthdays. when i moved out -- i remember when i moved out to l.a. and i was a bachelor and i was living alone, i had a birthday that -- i had no friends out here, so i threw a surprise party for myself. >> jay: really? [ light laughter ] the surprise has got to be the tough part. >> i tricked myself. i parked the car down the street, tried to fool myself. >> jay: oh. [ laughter ] >> and then i bought myself one of those pinatas. and i had the baseball bat. and i ended up at my neighbor's house just beating their grandmother. but that was fine. that was back in the day. >> jay: now, is it hard for
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sadie to take you seriously as a dad? so my kid is incredibly sweet and nice. so she kind of dominates me. and like, i want her to like me so much so i'm always trying to be cool. i just want her to think i'm cool all the time. and my wife is very good at, like, giving discipline. >> jay: right. >> i'm like, all right, they're mad at her right now, so i'm still the cool guy. i thought that was going to go great until 3:00 a.m. when the kids wake up, they demand to see the cool guy. [ light laughter ] they never -- i'm just like, "really, you don't want any discipline?" [ laughter ] "you don't want to do flash cards?" >> jay: now, do you believe in spanking? >> i've been spanking since i'm 11. >> jay: really? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] i'll hear other parents talking, like, they'll come up, "spanking?" i'm like, "hell yeah." [ laughter ] >> jay: wow. >> feels good. feels good, you know? >> jay: especially now that you're married. we'll be right back. more with adam right after
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this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ah! silver one. that's not a volkswagen. ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ ♪ that's two for doubting. [ chuckles ] you hit like my sister. really? i'd like to meet her. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen cc. award-winning design starting under $28,000. it's a whole new volkswagen and a whole new game. build your better breakfast at subway! for only $2.50, get a western egg white muffin melt made-to-your-order, and add a 16-oz. cup... of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. ♪
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kelly: colorful tanks for 2 dollars? heather: ladies, hold onto your stands. supermodelquins: one day wonder boy! odwb: tank tops. 2 dollars. saturday only. kelly: i love the way he says 2 dollars. vo: one good lookin' deal, old navy's one day wonder tank tops. 2 dollars. saturday only.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: welcome back. talking with sir adam sandler. so, it's summertime, you're back from that hell hole hawaii, where -- it's this massive depressing place. now, you're back. are you in the pool? are the kids -- well, of course, she's in the pool now, right? >> yeah, both my kids i take in the pool all the time. that's my big move. >> jay: the youngest is what, 1 1/2? >> yeah, sunny is 1 1/2, sadie's 4. yeah, that's a big move for a a parent. it gives you something to do. get in the pool. and then you don't got to really do much except make sure they don't drown. >> jay: right, right. [ light laughter ] >> but the -- okay, this is a a true story, i swear to god. i'm swimming like two weeks ago. and my wife comes out and we're talking and she goes, "hey, adam, a little -- right there." and she points to my nose, meaning i have snot hanging out of my nose, right? and i'm holding sadie. and so i go, "oh, i got something?" so i go like this to get it off.
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i see my kid, sadie, look at the snot and threw up in the pool. [ laughter ] >> jay: wow, very sensitive child. >> i thought, all right, she ain't gonna be a doctor or a a comedian. [ laughter ] >> jay: now, the "grownups" movie, you shot that near my hometown. you're probably closer to my hometown than your hometown. you're manchester. >> i'm manchester so i'm about and hour -- hour 15 minutes away from my hometown. 10 minutes from your town? >> jay: yeah, i'm from andover. so you were about -- you were in essex, right? >> i was in essex -- yeah, we were in essex and then lived in gloucester -- >> jay: there was five comics that sort of go on a vacation together. that's actually what it was in real life, wasn't it? >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. those guys -- we all lived -- like we all had five houses right on an island, hung out the whole summer together, the five of us. i would come out at night and go, "this is great, it's so cool that i have the biggest house out of all those guys." [ laughter ] >> jay: right. right, right, right. >> no, but -- no, my english
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teacher from growing up stopped by the set and visited the set. and you know, i wasn't a bright child. so she was baffled to see that i had a life. anyway. she showed up to the set. we were hugging and she was like -- i didn't know what to do so i got like -- i was like, hey, thanks, great to see you. and like an idiot i take one of the scripts, the "grownups" scripts, and i sign it for her. and i got, "here you go" like she wanted that. and she goes, "oh, okay, thanks." and then like a week, i got the script back and i got a "b" minus. >> jay: wow. [ laughter ] that was the highest grade you ever got? >> yeah. it was in fact. [ applause ] >> jay: and you can't -- now did call -- like mr. robershod came out to see me. he was any history teacher. >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jay: he goes, "call me dave." i go, "no." you're mr. robershod, and then we go out to eat and he goes, "i want a scotch and soda." and i go, "no, you can't, you're mr. robershod, you can't be drinking." >> yeah, isn't that bizarre. >> jay: did you call her mrs. whatever, or did you call her by her first name, your
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teacher. >> mrs. jelly. >> jay: what is it? >> mrs. jelly. >> jay: mrs. jelly? does she jiggle when she walks? [ laughter ] why would she -- that was her actual name? >> that was her nickname. did you have any nicknames growing up, jay? seriously, what did they call you? >> jay: i was chin-zo. that was my nickname. [ laughter ] >> no, really?! that's terrible. >> jay: not a good name. it was a terrible name, chin-zo. that was not a good name. what were you? did you have a -- >> they called me -- yeah, as a a kid in new hampshire, sandman, san diego, sandy beach. >> jay: oh, okay. >> sandooski. >> jay: sandooski. >> then it became dooski. >> jay: dooski. >> just dooski for awhile. then adam, adam ant, adam 12, all that stuff. and then my father always used to just call me "the mistake from the poconos." >> jay: wow. [ laughter and applause ] mistake from the poconos, that's not good. do you see yourself as a grown up now? -- i mean, obviously you are a a grown up. >> i think i'm a grown up, but i doubt it. i mean -- [ laughter ] >> jay: the thing is, you can't.
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>> i can't -- well, i mean, maybe i'm not, because about 10 times a week i hear from my wife, "will you grow the [ bleep ] up all ready?" [ laughter ] >> jay: i'm sorry. and apparently you're -- it sounds like your wife should take some estrogen treatment. >> yeah, i gave her a deep voice. >> jay: but it is different. like, when i was a kid, i could never imagine my dad playing a a video game. he'd be painting a house or fixing a window. like dad's that play video games -- no, my dad -- >> that's true. >> jay: my dad did dad stuff. you do dad stuff. >> you felt like an idiot playing a video game when your father came home. i'd be playing pong and, my father would come home and be like -- am i gonna get hit? i felt stupid. >> jay: what is this clip we're gonna see? what is happening in this take? >> holy cow. oh, this is when we first get to the lake house, i think. i know i sound like every other idiot that comes on a show and goes, "i think." but, i do think this is the one. i have kids. >> jay: right, i know it, and all the guys. and your kids are spoiled. they're beverly hills kids. >> my kids are growing up a
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a little spoiled. we get to this lake house and there's one of those bug zapper machines and my little girl gets nervous. >> jay: let's take a look. [ zapping sound ] >> daddy, what's that machine doing? >> it's getting rid of the moths, honey. >> where is it taking them? >> it's giving them electricity so the moths fall asleep electrically. >> it's electrocuting them!? >> no, no, no. >> but daddy, they're dying. >> is it killing them? >> no. [ zapping sound ] >> daddy, no! >> no, no, it's not, okay. let me adjust it. they're all all right, i promise you. see? look at this guy. he's still sleeping. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's nice. >> jay: adam, thank you my friend, i know you've got to go. >> nice to see you, jay. right on, buddy. thank you. >> jay: thank you, buddy. thanks. adam sandler, everybody. be right back with rachel maddow right after this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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we have a pretty big family. and olive garden's one of the few places we can take them where everyone's happy. announcer: try our new crespelle dishes -- italian crepes stuffed with five cheeses, with chicken in garlic cream sauce or with grilled italian sausage, starting at just $10.95, at olive garden. [ husband ] we've been together a long time. yeah, we went to junior prom together. and senior. no. you dumped me senior year. college. we went to college together. but we can always get to know each other better. we know each other very well. so we use k-y kissable sensations for the body. dated all through college. chocolate for me... yeah. ...and strawberry for him. it increases our desire and makes our experience together... [ whistle blows, engine revs ] [ female announcer ] shown in a clinical study to increase desire. new k-y brand yours and mine kissable sensations for the body. thanks to the new venture card from capital one we get double miles
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: oh, way to move, guys. yeah, you didn't forget those old chippendale moves, huh? man. [ laughter ] boys are looking good. all right, my next guest is host of "the rachel maddow show" on msnbc. she spent the last week on the gulf coast. we're going to get her thoughts on the oil spill disaster. we'll talk to her about the latest in politics. please welcome rachel maddow. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that's very nice. >> jay: good to have you. hey, it's day 51 of this thing. you were down there. we see it every day on the news. you know, i drive past the beaches here, and i can't imagine what it must be like. >> oh, yeah. >> jay: you were there. tell us -- >> the thing that surprised me, jay, is i was more upset than i thought i would be by just being there. i mean, you see it on camera.
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you even see the oil in the water. you see the wildlife and everything. but being there, it's claustrophobic. i remember being out on the water, in a lot of oil, and i have this sort of panicky feeling, like i need to get some fresh air, like the fumes are too strong here. and realizing that i am in fresh air and there's nowhere to go, i didn't have a panic attack, but i felt very bad. this sort of a flashing sign in my mind saying, "this is broken, this is broken." it's just -- it's not okay, what's going on down there. >> jay: now, do you think these cleanup workers are going to have health problems as well? >> you know, i think the cleanup workers should be outfitted and treated and trained as if they are dealing with a hazardous material spill. because they really are. i'm worried both about them. frankly, i'm worried about the people who just live in the communities where a lot of the oil has come onshore. with it, but who are exposed to that much contamination. >> jay: i mean, even if you had a home, if you had a a million-dollar home on the ocean, you now have a a $200,000 home on the ocean,
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maybe. don't you? >> and if you have a a million-dollar home on the ocean, you're probably connected to the fishing or tourism industry. >> and those industries, who knows? >> jay: so, is this obama's katrina? i mean, they're calling it that, but do you see it that i think katrina was katrina, and this is a whole new disaster. this was a man-made catastrophe. i mean, whether or not we result of that man-made mistake, i think will tell what the political impact of it is. but right now, we're still in the midst of an unfolding disaster. >> jay: somebody need to go to jail here? >> yes, probably. it won't fix it. but i think that when you look at the people at bp who are responsible for the gulf coast, responsible for safety. you look at the oil industry, generally, that hasn't comes up with any new cleanup technology since before i was born. they're doing all the same stuff they did with the big oil spill in the '70s and in the '60s. >> jay: right, we have new drilling techniques. but we have no way to -- see, this, it's the same thing with wall street. nobody goes to jail.
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i mean, i know it doesn't fix anything, but it makes people feel better. >> yeah. >> jay: you know, i mean, if you're driving 70 in a a 40-mile-an-hour zone, you hit a kid on a bike, you didn't mean to hit tho cf1 o >> jay: do you think that will happen? >> i don't know. i mean, what i want to happen most of all is that i want accountability. i o they were. i want the families of those 11 people who were killed to get justice. and i want the industry to be forced to come up with be- something goes wrong, inevitably, at that drill site, you don't know how to clean it up. it just shouldn't be approved that way. >> jay: exactly. exactly, exactly. [ cheers and applause ] and you know, we have -- we have hundreds of thousands of troops protecting oil over there. why can't we get some of them here? >> yeah. >> jay: you know, to clean this mess up? i mean, this is as bad as any terrorist attack could ever be. >> yeah. and it's still going. and you know, the technology that we have to keep the oil offshore and to get the oil out of the water, the technology is so lame. i mean, it's really -- it's
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really lackadaisical, not impressive technology. it's really low tech, no tech. but even that stuff, booms and the absorbent pads that they put in the oil and take the oil out that way, the skimmers and that stuff, even that lame technology that we have, we're not doing it right. we're not booming right. and it needs more manpower, more training. we could be doing a better job on that. >> jay: okay, the president goes down there again. i think he's going down. this will be his fourth time. >> yeah, monday he's going down. >> jay: okay, is it politics? is it the tv cameras? does it make a difference? what does it do? >> you know, i do -- i think it makes a difference, at least just extrapolating from my own experience. because, like i said, i thought i understood what was going on until i went there. and there's something about the sensory experience of being in the middle of that and realizing this isn't some disaster in the abstract. this is happening where a lot of americans live. people are living amid this disaster. and being there viscerally and getting it, i came back a lot more angry and a lot more motivated to do something about it just because i saw it.
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>> jay: explain this to me. president obama says he has not talked to ceo tony hayward. it seems to me that's the first guy. i mean, like you say, you have an accident, you call the other owner. i mean, why? why have those two not talked? even just to chew him out or to -- he said, "oh, if he worked for me, i'd fire him." why not call him up and give him a piece of your -- i mean, i don't get it. why? >> well, i sort of feel -- there's been a lot of this discussion about whether or not obama has sort of showed the right emotion, whether or not he showed the right anger or right level of anger on this. i sort of feel like -- i don't really care if he is angry or grand isle. i just want somebody to get it done. and i don't really care about -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: yeah, exactly, exactly. let's talk about the -- it was a big night for women last night. >> yeah, primaries. >> jay: yeah. let's talk about that a little bit. >> yeah, you know, it's -- california had a lot of the most interesting races, of course. >> jay: yeah. >> meg whitman spent $81 million just in the primary. >> jay: spent $81 million to get a job that pays $160,000 a
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year. [ laughter ] what's the thinking here? >> the fact that she spent $81 million just for the primary. jerry brown -- she's going to be running against jerry brown for governor. he hasn't really spent anything yet. >> jay: $400,000. >> yeah. >> jay: that's what he spent. >> so, they're setting that up. i love politics. i love primaries like this. i think there's going to be some good races. i do feel like people are wrong when they say that there's this huge anti-incumbent sentiment. i feel like that's sort of the common wisdom about what's going on right now in politics. i think that's wrong. i think most incumbents are getting reelected. >> jay: well, didn't they pass the thing in california to do away with -- to have open primaries now? >> yeah. >> jay: yeah. see, to me, because now, if you want to run as a republican, you have to say, "i hate immigrants, i want to do this." even if you don't believe it, you have to say it. and then, when you win, you watch, meg whitman will now suddenly move to the center. okay, and i hate that people have to lie just to get the nomination. >> you have to run a totally
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different race to win the primary than you do to win the general. >> jay: right, right, exactly, exactly. do you think that they'll do think it'll also make parties less important. and sometimes parties are useful in terms of defining two totally different approaches to something like that. i think it's good and healthy for the country, for the debate, that we've got two really different ideas about how that should be approached. and i sort of like partisan fighting a little bit, to the extent that it sharpens our policy. >> jay: like, when i first got this job, ross perot was the hot guy. we'd have him on. "eh, i got to tell you, jay --" he's like everybody's first boss. >> "giant sucking sound." was ross perot bigger than the tea party is now? or is the tea party bigger than that? >> i feel like ross perot is more like ron paul. like, there's the ron paul movement. rand paul, his son, obviously, the inheritor of that legacy. ross perot was fascinating. but again, self-financed guy. >> jay: yeah. >> right, and at a certain point, we need to decide whether or not the richest guy just gets the office.
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whether or not people who spend the most money get the election. >> jay: hey, as long as you're not spending my money, fine with me. [ laughter ] but anyway, rachel, it's always fun to have you. these minutes fly by. please come see us again. >> thank you so much. >> jay: rachel maddow.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ay, yay, yay, yay ♪ ♪ ay yay, yay, yay ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] low-mileage lease for well-qualified lessees... the cadillac srx crossover. visit your cadillac dealer for this attractive offer. ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: my next guests are a a terrific grammy-winning band. this weekend, they'll be appearing at the bonnaroo music
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and arts festival in manchester, tennessee, where they'll also premiere their new video for the song "end love." i love their videos,. you ever seen their videos? >> rachael: oh, with the treadmills and everything? >> jay: exactly. very cool, very cool. their new cd, "of the blue colour of the sky." please welcome ok go! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ oh, sugar oh, sugar can't you see how hard i'm trying? ♪ ♪ you know you gotta you know you gotta eventually make up your mind ♪ ♪ 'cause no one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find
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you when you're hiding in the dark ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you ♪ ♪ ♪ won't you, so won't you talk to me? it's time to decide ♪ ♪ 'cause no one's gonna save you if you don't swim for the boat ♪ ♪ no one's gonna save you if you won't take the rope ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you ♪ ♪ and it's end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ the sky is falling ♪ ♪
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♪ so sugar, so sugar dance with me this one last time ♪ ♪ we got no reason we got no reason i can see to hold back tonight ♪ ♪ 'cause no one's gonna catch you if you can't just let go ♪ ♪ no one's gonna love you if you can't let love show ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark ♪ ♪ no one's gonna find you ♪ ♪ and it's end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ the sky is falling ♪ ♪ ♪ oh sugar, oh sugar can't you see how
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hard i'm trying? ♪ ♪ you know you gotta you know you gotta eventually make up your mind ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ ♪ end love the sky is falling ♪
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♪ end love the sky is falling ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: ok go! nice job, gentlemen. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> jay: thanks. thank you, gentlemen. i want to thank my guests, adam sandler, rachel maddow, and of course, ok go. hey, stay tuned, jimmy fallon happening right now! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew.
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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a new york audience. love this, thank you very much. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. welcome, welcome. thank you so much for coming. hey, did you hear about this? a few days ago, vice president biden and rahm emanuel had a water gun fight during a party at biden's house. [ light laughter ] yeah. meanwhile, sasha and malia spent the last few days trying to solve the bp oil crisis. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] they'll figure it out. here's a little bit of good news. the coast guard says that bp is now catching up to
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630,000 gallons of oil a day. the bad news is that they're capturing it with ducks. [ laughter ] [ audience groans ] awful. what? that is bad news. bp expects to capture, "virtually all of the leaking oil by early next week. but if not, virtually all of the oil, then definitely nearly most of it -- [ light laughter ] -- or at least almost some, but probably closer to next to none of it." [ laughter ] there was a major screw-up of delta air lines yesterday. you guys hear about this? they switched up the tickets for two children and accidentally sent a kid from cleveland to boston and a kid from boston to cleveland. the parents were very upset, but the celtics were like, "can you do that with lebron james? that'd be a -- make that work?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's actually a big, big week in sports. we got the nba finals, you got the stanley cup finals --
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[ cheers and applause ] -- the start of the world cup. that's right, yeah. [ scattered applause ] basketball, hockey and soccer, or as americans call that, basketball. [ laughter ] hey, big celebrity news here, you guys. yesterday, heidi montag filed for legal separation from her husband, spencer pratt. [ cheers and applause ] yeah heidi said it was time for both of them to start seeing other idiots. see -- [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] that's right, heidi and spencer are breaking up. i don't know where spencer is going to go, but all i have to say is, please move in with jon gosselin. please move in with jon gosselin -- come on. if god is real -- [ applause ] -- he's going to move in with jon gosselin. speaking of jon gosselin, there is a new video online, did you see this, it shows jon getting stoned and eating pringles last summer. [ light laughter ] oddly enough, "once you pop and you can't stop" was also once kate's slogan. that was -- [ laughter ] [ audience groans ]
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they had eight babies. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. >> steve: viii. >> jimmy: you count in roman numerals, right? >> steve: she has eight. >> jimmy: viii -- oh, you're doing that. i was doing five and three. >> steve: that would work, too. >> jimmy: how do you do three? like that? >> steve: i do this. read between the lines! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, this is kind of cool. a collection of 75 silent films was just discovered in new zealand and are being returned to the u.s. when i heard this, i was like -- ♪ [ rag time music plays ] [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i was like? that's what i was like -- this is a crazy story, a woman in texas gave birth this weekend in a pickup truck after her husband was pulled over for speeding. [ light laughter ] of course, in texas, that's called a home birth. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause ] and finally, this week a man was arrested after he stowed away in a wheel well in a flight from vienna to london. officials are calling his hiding place incredibly dangerous, while southwest airlines is calling it business class. ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: everybody, before we
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get started, i have something to say to our late- night competition over at cbs, craig ferguson. last night, craig waved a mickey mouse hand at me and asked me to wave one back at him tonight. let me tell you something, buddy. [ laughter ] this is how late night wars start, all right? no one can tell me what to do, okay? i'm jimmy fallon, okay? [ laughter ] don't make me break up with you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he's a good dude. i love that guy. we've got such a fun show tonight. the beautiful actress from the new film "the a-team," jessica biel is here! [ cheers and applause ] fun, too. yeah. comedian, actor and new host of the "last comic standing," craig robinson is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] he's a very funny dude. funny, funny man. and we'll have music from phish! come on!
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[ cheers and applause ] a little -- a little later in the show, we're doing a competition we love called "battle of the instant bands." now, before we started the show we went through the audience and grabbed a people who happened to be musicians, but haven't worked together and randomly put them in two bands. here they are practicing backstage right now. there they are. [ laughter ] so, that's right, we just forced them into a band and made them come up with a name for their band and album cover, and in exactly 12 minutes, they're going to come out and perform a brand-new song that they just created. i'm very excited about that. [ cheers and applause ] you know, the other day, i was talking to questlove, and it turns out he's a pretty inquisitive guy. i mean -- [ light laughter ] -- he's always asking questions, always thinking, always wondering things about the world that most of us never even consider. so --
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[ laughter ] -- so i thought tonight, why don't we take a peek into questlove's mind, and see what he's thinking about right now in a segment we call "quest-ions." ♪ ♪ quest ions ♪ >> questlove: what's the meaning of life? is a really big hourglass a day glass? [ light laughter ] i know pregnant women aren't supposed to go on roller coasters, but what if the girl sitting next to me wasn't pregnant when the ride started? [ light laughter ] [ scattered applause ] how do you throw out a garbage can? [ laughter ] do you think that if watermelons ever turned evil the first person they would kill is gallagher? [ light laughter ] is glitter really just gay dust?
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[ laughter ] don't you think "finding nemo" would have been a much different movie if, instead of a fish, nemo was a guy who murdered prostitutes? >> jimmy: what? [ light laughter ] what!? >> questlove: who keeps destroying all my pinatas? [ laughter ] what happens when two ladybugs have sex? besides me getting turned on? oh, yeah. hot ladybug on ladybug action! [ laughter ] do nerdy kangaroos wear pouch protectors? [ light laughter ] i know when life gives you lemons you're supposed to make lemonade, but what do you do when life gives you the entire series of "grace under fire" on dvd?
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[ light laughter ] wouldn't it be gross if a dreamcatcher caught a wet dream? [ laughter ] ♪ quest-ions ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fascinating stuff. "quest-ions," everybody. we'll be right back with "battle of the instant bands"! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. and thank you so much for watching. hey -- a great crowd. i hope you guys are ready, it's time for "battle of the instant bands!" ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so, as we said before the show, we went through our audience and grabbed a bunch of people who said they were musicians. let's meet them right now. welcome to the show, guys. [ cheers and applause ] why don't you guys start by telling me -- tell me your names and where you're from.
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>> i'm danny from staten island. [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: danny from staten island. >> jeff from knoxville, tennessee. >> jimmy: good man. [ cheers ] >> justin from connecticut. >> jimmy: justin from connecticut. >> tim from nebraska. >> jimmy: yeah! there it is. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] there you go. now, when you came in tonight, did you have any idea you were going to play together? >> no. >> no. >> jimmy: never met each other before? >> no. >> never. >> jimmy: all right, good. now, you were backstage and we asked you to come up with a name for your band. what did you come up with? >> jay and the aquanets. [ light laughter ] jay -- >> jimmy: all right, that's good. >> i'm jay. >> jimmy: all right. and you guys are the aquanets? >> that's right. [ laughter ] >> just make sure we know that. >> jimmy: have you -- >> apparently. >> jimmy: all right, good. all right. [ laughter ] jay and the aquanets. all right, sure. let's take a look at your album cover. there you go. [ laughter ] there you go. [ cheers and applause ] very good. all right, what are you guys -- what's your name and where are you from? >> sean from oklahoma city.
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>> jimmy: all right, cool. [ scattered applause ] >> wendy from edmonton, alberta. >> jimmy: all right. edmonton -- what? >> edmonton, alberta. >> jimmy: edmonton, alberta. very good. all right, ready. >> steve from brooklyn. >> jimmy: steve from brooklyn. all right, good man. [ scattered applause ] local guy. >> and i'm joe from oyster bay. >> jimmy: joe from oyster bay. [ cheers and applause ] very, very good, joe. what is the name of your band? >> kiss my grits. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'll ask you again. what is the name of your band? >> kiss my grits. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anyone else want to tell me what the name of their -- i'm just kidding. all right, so you guys are called kits my grits. >> yeah, that's right. >> jimmy: that was at alice's -- not alice, but -- i'll see? are you from the future? [ laughter ] "what is the winning lottery numbers?" here is your album cover, kiss my grits. [ laughter ] oh very good, very good. [ cheers and applause ] hey, pretty good, i like that. very, very good. now, the stage is set for battle. look at it. [ audience oohs, ahhs ]
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your entire life comes down to what you do over there. and you only have like 20 minutes to put it all together. okay. jay and the aquanets, what is the name of your song? >> "late night blues." >> jimmy: oh! very good, i like that. all right. go, go -- take the stage. get ready. [ cheers and applause ] now, as they go over there, ladies and gentlemen, they're setting up their instruments. we're psyched to have -- i can't believe we booked this band. [ laughter ] here to perform the song "late night blues," give it up for jay and the aquanets! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> you ready? one, two, one, two, three. ♪ we're gonna dance dance dance move it all around ♪ ♪ we're gonna party all night felling this song ♪ ♪ say oh oh say oh ♪ oh ♪ we gona party all night here in the city of new york ♪ >> come on, let's go! ♪ let's have some fun fun, fun let's have some fun fun, fun, fun ♪ ♪ we're gonna move to the left move to the right ♪ ♪ move it all around and you're feeling it right ♪
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♪ let's have some fun let's have good time tonight! yeah! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: not too bad. come on over, have a seat. not too shabby. [ cheers and applause ] oh, come on, you guys have to -- have to follow that. >> all right. >> jimmy: are you ready? go and take the stage, buddy. go ahead. good luck. [ cheers and applause ] hey, you know what i forget to ask -- i forgot to ask you guys what's the name of your song? >> "cry myself to sleep." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, "cry myself to sleep." oh very good. okay, "cry myself to sleep." that should get everyone really excited. [ laughter ] okay, "cry myself to sleep"? are you like an emo band? [ laughter ] like -- are you like -- ♪ cry myself to sleep ♪
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ladies and gentlemen, i can't even believe i'm telling you this. [ laughter ] the band kiss my grits is in the house tonight -- [ cheers and applause ] and they're doing their hit song, "cry myself to sleep." here, kiss my grits! [ applause ] ♪ ♪ sometimes i cry myself to sleep and there's no one watching me ♪ ♪ there's a resume in my head before i go to bed ♪ ♪ so i turn my radio on so i can't hear me sleep i can't hear me sleep ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa they can't hear me sleep ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. hey! not too shabby. dude, it was awesome. very good job. all right, kiss my grits, join me up here. let's get to it. and let's pick the winner. was it jay and the aquanets? [ cheers and applause ] or -- or was it kiss my grits? [ cheers and applause ] the winner, when we come back from this -- [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] jay and the aquanets! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] as today's -- as today's winner, you'll each be getting a $300 gift certificate to guitar center! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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300 bucks for you there. and you also get to take home your instruments! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll grab your gear. thank you, buddy. our runners up -- our runners up, they will all be getting a $100 gift certificate to guitar center. there you guys go. [ cheers and applause ] and -- and, of course, these stylish "eff off" t-shirts from "late night with jimmy fallon." there you go. [ cheers and applause ] there you guys go. congratulations, once again. jay and the aquanets tonight. also, our friends, i want to thank everybody at guitar center, yamaha drums, zildjian cymbals and vic firth for the great equipment. congratulations to our winners. we'll be right back with jessica biel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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ah! silver one. that's not a volkswagen. ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ ♪ that's two for doubting. [ chuckles ] you hit like my sister. really? i'd like to meet her. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen cc. award-winning design starting under $28,000. it's a whole new volkswagen and a whole new game.
1:32 am
[ powder cleaner ] mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber? [ spray bottle ] what does she see in him? [ liquid cleaner ] well, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you. [ spray bottle ] and i bring out the shine, too! ding! what was that? that was the noise a shine makes... [ male announcer ] remove three times more soap scum per swipe with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our first guest this evening is a versatile actress, a devoted environmentalist, and she is notoriously easy on the eyes.
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her new movie "the a-team" opens nationwide this friday. let's take a look at a clip. >> come on! >> all right. >> okay, okay. ow ow! >> what the hell are you doing? >> trying to save you! ♪ >> come on, you know we're innocent. you think i came to frankfurt to hash out some old heartbreak? no. i'm here because we didn't do this. i'm here because we were set up. i'm here because in the end, the truth is worth the risk. and i believe in you, even if you don't believe in me. god, i forgot how beautiful you are.


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